red stag hunts

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Texas Red Stag are animals built for Kings!
Book your Red Stag Hunt Today!

About our Texas Red Stag Hunts

Don't just stare at the logo on a bottle of Jagermister! Come with BWGS on a Texas Red Stag Hunt and stare at one of these monsters in person.

One of the prettiest and best tasting deer species in the world, Red Stag have everything most hunters dream of wrapped into one magnificent animal! More cost effective than Elk hunting, Texas Red Stag Hunts give hunters the same giant body size, massive antlers, and fantastic table fair as their North American cousins.

Red Stag Hunting Pricing and Features

With a herd of over 100 Red deer, Black Water Guide Service can all but guarantee your shooting abilities while participating in our Texas Red Stag Hunts.

A simple fee of $1250 for lodging, meals, guide, transportation, and game care

Upon harvest of your Texas Red Stag there will be an additional fee of $4250

*Add a Texas Red Stag hind for only $1000

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Facts and Information bout the Red Stag

(male) Shoulder height about four feet (1.2 m). Weight 300-575 pounds (135-260 kg). Females are considerably smaller.

A large, stately deer, reddish-brown in summer, turning darker and grayer in winter. There is a faint dorsal stripe and a pale, yellowish rump patch that encloses the short, beige tail. The coat is coarse, and males grow a long, dense neck mane. In mature stags the antlers are large and heavy, with at least five points to a side, including the tip of the main beam. Typically, the first (brow) and second (bez) tines grow close together and are well separated from the third (trez) tine. The other tines are usually in a group near the beam tip, commonly forming a crown. Some outstanding antlers may have as many as 20 points in total, or even more. In red deer, the upper canine teeth develop as tusks, as in wapiti and sika deer.

Red deer are native to Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. First introduced on the Bear Creek Ranch, Kerr County, Texas, in the early 1930s. By 1979, the Texas population was about 1,000 animals, mostly in the Hill Country and much of it on unfenced land. Has also been introduced in the Bernheim Forest and Woodlands National Wildlife Refuge in Kentucky, and on the Hearst Ranch in San Luis Obispo County, California. Some escapees from the Hearst Ranch may be free-ranging nearby.

Red deer x wapiti hybrids are found on many properties, as they interbreed freely (being of the same species) and produce fertile offspring. Following our established policy, such hybrids are recorded as wapiti, as it is the larger animal with the larger antlers. Red deer will also interbreed with sika deer, in which case the hybrids are recorded as red deer, as it is larger.

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